The Order Manager owns three main screens

  1. The order status screen. This is the HOME screen when you enter the Order Manager
  2. The order detail screen
  3. The search bar on the left which is always in place.

Tutorial mode 

A tutorial mode is available by clicking the checkbox for tutorial in the header navigation bar.

1. Order status screen

When you are logged in you see a list of all your active buyer orders in the middle and their status. 

On the left you find the order status search bar

List of all active buyer orders

This is how to read each column of your active buyer orders.

Column header

Additional information


Customer order number

The buyer reference

Sales order number

Your sales order number

Order creation date

The order creation date and time

Order date

Date the order has been send to you


Name of your Customer

Order status

Your Order can have the following status:

    • Not acknowledged
    • Not confirmed
    • Confirmed without changes
    • Confirmed with changes
    • Partially shipped
    • Fully shipped
    • Partially invoiced
    • Fully invoiced
    • On-hold
    • Deleted
    • Lines added
    • Lines deleted
    • Lines on-hold

Order progress

Your order can have one of the following four progress stages:

1 - Sent

The order is in error 

The order is new received by you 

2 - Confirmed

You have not send an order status yet 

You have confirmed the order

You have deleted the order or you have put the order is on-hold 

3 - Shipped

You have fully shipped the order 

You have partially shipped the order

4 - Invoiced

You have fully invoiced the order 

You have partially invoiced the order

Invoice settings

By clicking the Settings icon on the lower left side of the product page in the Order Manager, the settings screen will become available. 

Note: This is not the icon on the upper right side of the page, these are for the general settings of Onetrail. 

In the settings screen you can change and adjust:

  1. Payment due # / Period

  2. Trade Country / VAT

  3. Levies

  4. Charges & Discounts
  • By clicking Add new charge it is possible to add another Charge type.
  • By clicking Add new discount it is possible to add another Discount type.

       5. Carriers

  • By clicking Add Carrier it is possible to add another Carrier. 

Adjust the settings and click on 'Save changes'. The settings will be changed in the 'Create Invoice' screen.

Click on 'Back' at the bottom of the order status search bar on the left, to exit this screen. 

FAQ invoice settings

It is possible to set VAT per seller. Please contact support to help you set your VAT.

Put your customer card on NL as if you are a Dutch seller, this enables you to invoice a Dutch buyer. Please contact support to help you on this.

Is your question not listed? Please contact to help you.

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